This is one of three walks by Anthony Davis exploring the theme of London's boundaries.
Come and walk 'on the edge' - between the West End and what was once the countryside, between respectability and poverty, even between life and death. We explore an area of alleys and courtyards close to Covent Garden, formerly the site of London's most notorious slums and now an area of extravagant leisure, hearing descriptions by Dickens and others of the buildings around Seven Dials and the Rookery of St Giles and relating them to Hogarth's famous print of Gin Alley. We look at how the area was improved with the earliest surviving social housing and one of its most charming community gardens. And we admire the way in which modern architects have reinvented these areas - in some cases perhaps more controversially than in others - for the life styles of 21st century Londoners.
Admission: 12.00
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Agatha Christie Memorial Cranbourn Street, next to the Spaghetti House WC2H 7AB
The Agatha Christie memorial is a sculpted black stone in Cranbourn Street just next to the Spaghetti House, near the corner of St Martin's Lane.
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