Our capital city plays host to over 8 million individuals across an area of over 1,500 km2. The growing demand for additional housing and commercial developments, coupled with the restriction of ground-level space, has meant that the need to construct more high-rise buildings has increased dramatically. This increased demand has meant that it is now necessary to call upon modern methods of construction and facade materials. The Greater London Authority stated that 50,000 new homes a year are needed in London to satisfy the growing population; a challenge that can be facilitated by utilising modern-day facade systems.
From brick to stone or metal to terracotta, facade systems allow high-rise buildings to achieve any desired aesthetic, whilst ensuring the durability and reliability of traditional building materials like facing brick or stone masonry. Join us on a walking tour around London Bridge and the surrounding area and discover the use of modern-day facade systems that form our building’s boundaries and allow us to continue constructing our city’s buildings.
Admission: FREE
More Info: www.taylormaxwell.co.uk/london-festival-of-architecture/events
Tickets/Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/elevating-our-boundaries-modern-facade-systems-tickets-61146972240
Website: www.taylormaxwell.co.uk/london-festival-of-architecture
Twitter: @TaylorMaxwellCo
Instagram: @taylormaxwellco
Lower Ground Floor, The West Wing The Hop Exchange 26 Southwark Street London SE1 1TU
Far left of Hop Exchange building, first door on right with Taylor Maxwell plaque, ring buzzer for entry.