Powell Tuck Associates presents a talk and a performance evening to provide insights of THE鍵KEY: Francesca Le Lohé 's new work inspired by Junichiro Tanizaki’s book of the same title ‘The Key’ (1956). THE鍵KEY is a modern English / Japanese, site-specific music event performed in private houses in Tokyo and London this summer.
During the talk we will explore how performing in a private house changes the experience of the audience and crosses the boundaries of public and private spaces. We will talk about the differences between concepts of privacy in Japanese and British architecture and experience a fragment of the performance adapted specifically to be presented in our studio.
6:30 Doors open
6:45 Talk
7:45 Performance followed by drinks
Drinks and refreshments will be provided.
Speakers include:
- Francesca Le Lohe – composer and director of THE鍵KEY, living and working in Japan
- Bill Bankes-Jones – Artistic Director and founder of Tête a Tête Opera Festival,
- Angus Shepherd, director of Powell Tuck Associates. Angus is hosting THE鍵KEY in his house later this year.
Others involved in the project:
- Akiko Yanagisawa creative producer, Foundation mu:arts
- Asia Grzybowska, Associate at Powell Tuck Associates
- Production and dramaturgical support by Whole Hog Theatre, Alexandra Rutter
Admission: £5
More Info: www.powelltuckassociates.co.uk/peering-into-private-lives
Tickets/Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crossing-boundaries-peering-into-private-lives-privacy-made-public-tickets-60580244141
6 Stamford Brook Rd W6 0XH
Access through a big blue gate across from the Duchess of Cambridge Pub